Tuesday, January 12, 2010

up, uP, UP and away!

A Kaitlyn UPdate:
The little one has learned a new word. UP! I have been trying to teach her to use it when she wants to be picked up, instead of her usual choice- screaming. She likes to use it for a variety of reasons. She'll lift both arms high above her head, roughly slam them down and sternly say 'up'. Sometimes it can be a little forceful, but I still think it's pretty darn cute!

UPright and Moving:
Just a few days after Christmas, Kaitlyn started to walk. She has been standing in place for months, but one day she decided to take her first steps. She has been on the move since, and is now attempting to carry things. She is one brave little chick-a-dee. There have been a few bumps and a few bruises, but we have all been very impressed with her cruising skills. Her big sister is especially proud. There is lots and lots of cheering and clapping going on at the White house. I think she just might have it down in time for her first birthday.

A cUP half full (of apple juice):
Kaitlyn Sophie has been introduced to the sippy cup. She tried it a few times with success, but there is a whole lot more shakin' going on than sippin'!We, her parents & wonderful pediatrician, have decided to wean her off of the bottle by birthday #1. She tends to be the queen of multiple ear infections; despite all attempts to make this pesky problem stop. Any who- she doesn't know that her beloved bottle will soon disappear, but I am hoping if we do it gradually she won't notice. Anyone have any tips for bottle weaning? Please share if you do!

*Disclaimer- Mom, Twyla and other dental professionals who may be reading- I assure you that the apple juice was a 60% water/40% juice mixture :)

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